Leading From Your Center of Resilience and Empowerment™  (C.O.R.E) – This is one of Dr. Christi’s favorite topics. Dr. Christi believes the only way to reach your full potential in your career is to align your core values system with your career goals. Many of us have struggled with finding our true identity at work which also leads to frustration and discontent in our personal lives. This workshop will guide participants through activities to assist them in evaluating and rediscovering their purpose at work. This workshop is freeing for anyone who feels unfulfilled or simply wants to finally walk in their purpose. Participants will learn how to Stand in their power unapologetically. Take control of their thoughts and actions. Assess whose help they need and finally be able to Yield to the authenticity of who they are. Dr.Christi’s S.T.A.Y. method will allow participants to create their personalized action plan to help them reach their full potential professionally and personally.

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